移動登車橋:Movable ramp
產品介紹:移動登車橋是與叉車配合使用的貨物裝卸專用輔助設備,適用于裝卸作業不固定的場所,如工廠、大型倉庫等。叉車可通過其從地面直接駛入貨車內部進行作業。該產品具有堅固的鋼質焊接支撐結構,表面鋪設防滑網或柵格網,即使在雨雪天氣下仍可正常使用。采用手動方式調節高度,單人操作即可,使裝卸作業變得更省時、省力、省心。十年設計壽命,經久耐用。Movable ramp is used together with forklift for goods handling in factory or big warehouse, it allows forklift to drive on load bed of vehicle directly to load and unload. All steels are well welded in fixture, with anti-slip floor to ensure all-weather adaptability. It has hand-operated height adjustment landing gear; Single person for operating is enough. 10 years of lifespan.
1 防滑性能**越 坡面采用特制的高強度齒形柵格網或防滑網,具有卓越的防滑性能,使叉車有更好的爬坡能力和操作性。即使雨雪天氣下,仍能保障正常作業。
Steel grating bearing bars to use for safety driving in all weather conditions (snow, slush, rain and large dirt particles).
2 底部加固防晃動 支撐腿底部設計加固裝置,防止登車橋使用時發生晃動。
Enhanced bar welded between the legs at bottom.
3 可選輪胎 采用耐磨實心橡膠輪胎,無需人工維護,使用壽命長達八年以上;采用**質空心輪胎,擁有更快的移動速度,便于登車橋的長距離移動。
Front tire optional: Solid tire has as long as 8 years of lifespan, without maintenance. Or use quality pneumatic tire, faster and longer distance moving.
4 移動便捷 裝配底部腳輪,因應不同空間條件的場所,既可人手推移登車橋,又可使用叉車牽引移動。
With rear tire, the ramp can be towed by forklift or being hand-pushed.
5 安全保障 可調節長度的鎖鏈用于鉤住貨車尾部,使登車橋與卡車發生移位時,登車橋與卡車不會脫離,保障作業安全。
Safety chains help to ensure the ramp stay secured during towing.
6 可調支撐座 手動機械,高度可調。
Hand-operated height adjustable mechanical landing gear