GreenAir公司專業提供空氣污染控制系統. 我們在工業**域有豐富的應用設計經驗, 如工業除塵,工業油霧,焊煙, 粉末涂料,金屬拋光及橡膠粉塵等. 我們的職責不僅僅是提供高質量高性能的設備,而且提供科學經濟的全套系統的方案及服務.我們不僅僅有自己的生產廠房,同時與國際知名的TRION,Donaldson,AAF,Eurovac等公司合作, 為了能給您的粉塵找到**合適的處理設備.
GreenAir specified in air pollution control system. We have many experiences in industrial applications consultant, such as dust collection, oil mist, welding fume, powder coatings, metal finishing and rubber and so on. Our business ranges is not only providing a quality and performance device but also providing a scientific and economic turn-key system. We have our own factory in Kunshan; at the same time , we had cooperation with TRION, Donaldson and AAF just for finding the best dust control solution for your application.