廣州艾默森工程設備有限公司專業從事燃氣輸配設備、燃氣管網設備技術安裝、銷售的專業公司。一直以 來,公司本著“誠信經營、客戶至上”的經營宗旨為客戶提供**質的產品和專業的服務,將“誠信”理念 貫穿于公司的整個經營活動當中,全力以赴地為客戶創造**大的利益,深得廣大燃氣公司、用戶和業界的好評。我們愿與國內外的新老朋友竭誠合作、攜手并進,讓我們竭盡全力服務于用戶,奉獻于燃氣事業! 廣州奧麗斯特燃氣設備有限公司是美國FISHER產品華南區域(廣東省)艾默生集團授權代理商【中國費希爾官網www.zgfisher.com 手JI同微XIN張工158柒陸伍伍2411咨詢020-32201622】自2009年成立至今,專業從事燃氣設備研制、生產、國際品**代理、技術指導、提供燃氣管道輸配項目設計及行業解決方案。公司擁有國內外資深燃氣行業技術專家,引進**進的技術和設備,運用自身**勢綜合國內外****技術產品,為各行業提供熱情、誠信、高效的服務。奧麗斯特是燃氣設備行業**域公認的****者,其業務網絡遍布全國并延伸到海外。與中石油、中石化、印尼電廠、馬來西亞WK公司等國際企業建立其良好的供求關系。產品與技術廣泛應用于燃氣、石油、化工、食品醫藥、市政環保、能源電力、航空航天、船舶、工程機械、工業爐**域、暖通行業、燃燒控制系統等專業**域。
Guangzhou Ho
nest Gas Equipment Co., LTD.is a professio
nal integrity company engaged in the the gas equipment development & production, internatio
nal brand agency, technical guidance , gas pipeline transmission and distribution project design and solutions provision services,etc. Supported by a team of gas industry technical experts and the introduction of advanced technology &equipments, we are able to provide high quality products and warm, ho
nest ,efficient services. Ho
nest has been a leader in the field of gas equipment industry , Her business network has been throughout the whole country and it is extending to overseas rapidly .We have established good cooperation relatio
nship with CNPC, SINOPEC, Indo
nesia Electricity Company, Malaysia WK Company and other internatio
nal companies .Our products and technologies has been widely used in areas of gas, petroleum, chemicals, food, pharmaceuticals, municipal enviro
nmental protection, energy and power, aerospace, shipbuilding, engineering machinery, industrial furnace field of HVAC industry, combustion co
ntrol systems, etc.